Schedule of Requirements

Requirements for Refund
Type of Request
1. Send from Self Service Portal Form or written request sent from registered email address
2. Send within grace period as per Terms & Conditions
3. Copy of Color Valid ID
4. Admin Fee
Requirements for Personal Information Change
Type of Request
Change of Email Address
1. Send from Self Service Portal Form or written request sent from registered email address
2. State Old Email address, New Email Address and Reason for changing the email on record
3. Copy of Valid ID
Name Correction
(Max 3 letters)
1. Send from Self Service Portal Form  or written request sent from registered email address
2. Valid ID Copy
Name Correction
(More than 3 letters)
1. Send from Self Service Portal Form or written request sent from registered email address
2. Valid ID Copy
3. Hand written letter with signature and date stating reason of change
4. Upline’s hand written ackowledgemment letter with signature and date
5. Upline’s valid ID copy
Name Correction
1. Send from Self Service Portal Form or written request sent from registered email address
2. Old and New Valid ID Copy
3. Copy of Marriage Certificate/divorce certificate
Requirements for Products
Type of Request
Change of Product
1. Send from Self Service Portal Form or written request sent from registered email address
2. Confirmation of desired product
3. Admin Fee
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