Tracking Centre Activation

For Activation, can I combine Personal Sponsorship and Business Volume (BV) from Retail Purchase?

Yes, this is one of the three ways of Activation – Combination of Retail Sale, and Personal Purchase/s or Qualified Direct Referral.

For Activation, can I purchase 1000BV and place under each side of my tracking centre?

Yes, IR can Activate his/ her tracking centre by allocating the required minimum BV (500BV) from his/ her personal purchases.

How can I activate my tracking centre?

Qualified IR can activate his/her Representativeship in 3 ways:
1. Retail Sale – IR achieves BV from his/her retail sale and allocate at least 500 BV on each side of any of the IR’s TCs;
2. Combination of Retail Sale, and Personal Purchase/s or Qualified Direct Referral – Allocate a minimum of 500 BV each on each side of any of the IR’s TC through combination of BV from Retail Sales and IR’s purchases of QNET products for personal consumption or qualified direct referral.
3. Direct Referral – Place at least one Qualified Direct Referral per side on any of the IR’s TCs.

What is Self-Activation?

“Self-Activation” is a method of activating Representativeship with BV that the IR achieved from his/her retail sale or purchase of QNET products for personal consumption.

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